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Fecal Screening

Hello Gentle Care Clients! We hope you are enjoying your spring so far. Now that it’s May there are so many things to look forward to; school getting out, vacations, picnics, and warm weather. Since many of our pets accompany us on our summer outings, we wanted to talk about fecal screening for parasites. Intestinal…

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Changes in Aging Pets

I thought we’d talk about changes in an aging pet. This is not a favorite topic for most pet owners but an important discussion none the less. Having just a little information makes the situation easier to manage and handle when our four legged family member hits senior status. Senses The progressive loss of both…

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Facts about Heartworm Disease

We hear that dog owners sometimes forget to give their dogs an oral or topical heartworm preventive at the time every month – it happens. But missed or delayed doses mean that the dog could be at risk of developing heartworm disease. Gentle Care Animal Hospital can help you ensure that your dog has continuous…

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February is National Pet Dental Health Month

Do you have questions about taking care of your pet’s teeth? We’ve answered some commonly asked questions below: I’ve heard dental problems are common in dogs and cats, how will I know if my pet has a dental problem? Dental disease is a common disease in dogs and cats. The American Veterinary Medical Association(AVMA) reports…