Accidents and Injuries Happen

Hello Gentle Care clients. We see our fair share of injured pets. Our clients usually do a really good job of getting the pet to us to be checked out but let’s discuss in more detail so you know what to do, watch for and expect!

Accidents are unavoidable.  And some of our patients seem to be accident prone!  When injury occurs there are things you can do to help, while being cautious to not get hurt yourself or further injure your pet.

First when approaching your injured pet, do so calmly and gently so you don’t cause more anxiety. Make sure you do not put your face near the pet’s face. Do not hug your pet; even the nicest and most gentle pets can bite and scratch when injured and we may not know all the places they are hurting. Remember they are scared. If you must have your head near theirs, safely and calmly put on a muzzle if you have one. If you do not; you can make one by using a woman’s stocking, a roll of gauze or something similar. Make sure the fabric does not cover the nose, or obstruct breathing. Do not muzzle your pet if it is vomiting or has chest injuries. Cats and other small animals may be wrapped in a towel like a burrito to restrain them, but make sure your pet is not wrapped in the towel too tightly.

Any first aid you do for your injured pet should be preceded by a call to your veterinary clinic. If there is excessive bleeding, apply pressure with a clean towel or paper towel if it is safe to do so.  For other interventions please get veterinary help on the phone to help direct you.  Most of the time it is safest to get the animal contained and to veterinary care.  If it is after hours, call the Emergency Veterinary Clinic in Springfield. You want the medical staff to be expecting you plus they might have insight or a suggestion on what to do next before you get there. If it’s a minor injury, call your veterinarian anyway. Something may look minor but the severity of wounds is not always readily apparent.

When transporting your injured pet, keep pet confined in a small area to keep them from more injuries. Pet carriers work the best but you can use a box or another container so long as your pet can get adequate amounts of air. For larger dogs you can use a dog crate, wood board, snow sled, or paddle board. 

You should always keep your pet’s medical records in a safe, easily accessible place. Bring these with you when you take your pet for emergency treatment. Of course, if the pet is a patient at our clinic, we will have those records. Since we do not know when an emergency will arise; you should ask for your pet’s records and keep them at home, or on your smart phone. Having records with you is also helpful if you are traveling with your pet and they become ill or injured.

Please contact Gentle Care Animal Hospital if you have any questions,  concerns or would like a copy of your pet(s) records.